About Us

MRS Smart Solutions Ltd is an information technology consulting firm that will be serving in UK with several years experienced software engineer Fatma Hulya Direk who has a keen interest in customer satisfaction. Our company is established with the idea of Mrs with Smart IT solutions satisfying the business needs.

"We will provide excellent service to all our customers to achieve total customer satisfaction through high productivity, innovative software solutions, teamwork and aftercare service. Our investment in our employees will earn high loyalty and motivation by showing respect for their capabilities and providing further development opportunities with creative ideas."

We are committed to providing you with the right software solution that best suits your needs. You will have the peace of mind knowing the software and professional services we provide will give you the ability to quickly, efficiently and cost effectively improve your business. Our methodology will give you the confidence that your investment is being managed by professionals. From manufacturing, wholesale and distribution to professional services, whatever business you are in, we can help you grow with the right software and professional services.


MRS-Smart Solutions will be an innovative business technology company that will be founded on the principle that there is no small customer. MRS-Smart Solutions aims to be a company with high customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Our Services

MRS-Smart Solutions categorizes its services basically in two types due to needed time periods.

Short Term Services

System Analysis

Investigating the issues with an existing system in order to understand what exists, how it works, what problems it poses (or are anticipated) and what potential solutions may be considered to address those issues

Database Design and Implementation

Design and implementation of a Microsoft SQL Server database

Software Installation and Configuration

Consultancy about utility softwares for your business and installation with tailored configuration regarding to your needs.

End-user Training

Training end-users on developed software product.

Troubleshooting & Testing

Troubleshooting and Testing of developed software product or other products that client is already using.

Long Term Services

Software Development with .Net technologies

Developing a software product using .Net technologies (C#, WPF, WCF, ASP.NET) Desktop(front-end & back-end), mobile and web applications whichever is most suitable for you business needs.

Software Development with other technologies

Developing a software product using Java (desktop, web and mobile applications) and developing a software product using C/C++ (desktop application)

Our Process













Get in Touch

Don't be shy. Write us or drop us an email.

Contact Info

Mrs. Smart Solutions Limited
20-22 Wenlock Road
N1 7GU